Lahore: News Desk
Thank you Xari Jalil for including my point of view in your article.
Nabila Feroz Bhatti, a rights activist from the Christian community says by declaring a woman Jahil (جاہل) on the basis of her knowledge of a word occurring in the Quran, is not justified.
“It is being insinuated that if someone does not know the meaning of an Arabic word, then she is ignorant. But Arabic is not our native language. And how is a woman from the religious minority community meant to know the meaning of the word?” she asks. “Knowledge of a language and being educated are two separate issues.”
Nabila Feroz Bhatti expressed her anger saying that it was surprising how women in media kept inviting such misogynistic hate-mongers time and again for their ‘unwanted opinions on women’s issues’.
“I am disappointed at the women in media who call such men and give them space and pander to them, so that they can spread their misogynistic messages from that platform,” she said.